Tuesday, December 1, 2015

DIY Christmas decorating

I picked up our tree yesterday, and can not wait to decorate it. As I was sorting through the box of decorations I realized that we do not have a proper tree topper. I think maybe this year I'll make one. Here are a few DIY tree toppers.

I made cranberry sauce last week for thanksgiving, and only used half of the bag. Instead of tossing out the remaining cranberries I decided to string them on flower wire, and hang them up in the babies room.

The leftover cranberries I strung on some flower wire.
It only took about 10 minutes, and cost nothing.

Use extra ribbon and some flower wire to make a tree
topper bow. (Source no longer available on Etsy)

With all of the extra yarn I have laying around
this seems like a good choice. Via


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