Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A cozy guest room

When we first moved into our apartment we decided that the second bedroom would be best used as an office, because Tim was in grad school.  He no longer needs it to study, so now we have an extra room in Manhattan that is unused.

Over the past few months we have had several guests who have had to sleep either on the sofa or the aero bed in the office.  We realized that this room would be better served as a guest room for those handful of times a year when our friends and family want to visit us.

For the past few months I have been pinning inspirational images for this space. Here are some pictures of what I am hoping this room will turn out to look like.

The bed arrives on Friday, which is step one of the transition.I am using a chunky ivory yarn to knit a cozy pillow cover to throw on the bed. Ive already ordered my white sheets and a simple california frame for the mattress to rest on. The reindeer hide has been in our bedroom for a little while, but will move back into this space. Photos to come when it's ready.



A simple Garter stitch in a chunky yarn

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