Sunday, November 24, 2013

Office to Guest Room Transformation

The guest room is officially usable, and a space that people would actually want to stay in. For two years I made little adjustments to make the office a space I wanted spend time in, but it never was. It was the room that we closed the door to, so that I didn't have to look at it. Now, this second bedroom is a room I could actually see myself spending time in. I found plenty of inspiration out there to try to work a very small room into a room that functions as both a guest room and office. Once the wall sconce comes in and is installed, this room will be done. Here are some pictures
from one weekend of updates.

We used all White bedding, including the knitted pillow cover I made to make the room feel bigger. We also decided on white shelves so that they would blend in to the walls and not be a statement piece themselves. The shelves were a DIY home depot project, nothing fancy. We took a round rug we had had in a closet and put it mostly under the bed to add a little dimension to the room.  Can't wait to see this room in the daylight.



 After: New Shelving above the bed. The lamp we
ordered will go in the right hand corner when facing
the bed, for our guests to have a little extra light.

New linen curtains

We took the bookcase out and put the desk
in its place and added a few more shelves for the
remainder of our books.

Trying to balance the books with other items like plants,
photos ,and a couple other odds and ends to make it feel more open

Ailsa thinks this is her new room

Round Jute rug details
We added shelves to our bedroom as well,
which I love.

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